Thursday, June 6, 2019

America’s Greatest Challenge in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Americas Greatest Challenge in the twenty-first Century EssayThroughout the 21st century, United States of America has been plagued by so m each crisis and challenges that put the integrity and strength of its government on test. merely perhaps the most harrowing ordeal the country has ever experienced was the terrorist plan of storm on September 11, 2001 which claimed more than two thousand lives, mostly detached civilians. United States has considered terrorism, coupled with nuclear threats, its greatest challenge ever. Organized terrorists from hostile nations target America.Since the nation is very superior in conventional warfare compared to its adversaries, terrorists deviate from non-conventional warfare and resort to nuclear terrorism. Technology is helping these criminals to undertake their evil scheme. In nuclear terrorism, the terrorist use nuclear weapons, including radiological weapons, to cause massive destructions to humankind to attain their political or re ligious ideals. Terrorists pose great threats by utilizing or exploiting nuclear in a number of ways1) They rump attack nuclear facilities for the purpose of melting down the nuclear reactor and releasing the toxic substance inside.The power plant will cause radioactive pollution and will result into great casualties. Such incident my equal or exceed the catastrophe brought by the Chernobyl in 1986. 2) They can create dirty give way which is loaded with radioactive materials and a conventional explosive. Upon detonation, it releases radioactive and highly poisonous particles in the air. Terrorists find this appealing since it is very successful in instilling hero-worship and panic. Further, its contaminating effect is long-lasting. 3) They can create improvised nuclear device (IND). This bomb uses low-grade nuclear substance except the effect is still devastating. ) They can buy ready-made nuclear weapons in the black market. This way, all they have to do is read the manual, se t the weapon and detonate it. Presto Hundreds of civilians lie exanimate on the street. 5) They can create a full-blown nuclear bomb. This may not be highly probable, but it is still possible. Organized terrorists, including those who are support by the hostile nations, have the technology, money and capability to design and fabricate a nuclear bomb. The danger is very clear the spectre of nuclear attack on the American soil looms and it is getting clearer each day.Wrong hands are holding nuclear weapons the wrong hands who desire nothing but to kill Americans and destroy American power. America is a powerful and rich country. It can easily build a nuclear weapon and bomb those nations who draw near terrorists. Fight fire with fire. However, that is easier said than done. There are several and less violent, yet effective, ways for America to fight nuclear terrorism. First, all nuclear weapons, materials and facilities moldiness be secured and well-protected. This way, it prevent s any plan of the terrorists to attack, sabotage or steal these things.This includes the intensive drive of the government to eliminate or confiscate all nuclear weapons and materials held by unauthorized individuals and discipline anybody who is caught selling these deadly things. Second, stiff sanction must be imposed to any nation or country that sponsor any act of terrorism. America should be firm with this one. Without any sponsor and a base, terrorism and terrorist will surely cease to prosper. Third, investigating and counter-terrorism tools must be upgraded to couple the sophistication of terrorists. Aside from that, the agencies must not keep the reports to themselves.They must share information not to the public but with the other agencies. They must have foil to compare notes and information. Lastly, the American citizens must be educated about all kinds of terrorism. Information drive should be conducted. If possible, civilians should be given authority to make an arr est if necessary. This way, ordinary citizen can help distinguish any terrorism even before the act is committed. With knowledgeable civilians around, detection of terrorism will not be limited to the authority alone thus the long arm of the law is made even longer and prevention rate of terrorism will be much higher.

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